Monday, March 23, 2009


Growing up, Freedom means the right to stay up until late night, or going out during weekend, or doing and saying what i want regardless of consequences or situation.

These few days, i learn a whole new meaning of Freedom. Freedom is not cheap, it is paid with heavy price, often time, blood was shed in exchange for freedom. Living in the Post World War II era certainly has its pros and cons. The ability to live in luxury and comfort also means the birth of spoilt brats and ungrateful hearts.

Unfortunately, i would have to admit i am one of the brats.

I read a book titled "I Dared To Call Him Father" by Bilquis Sheikh lately. This book recorded her amazing journey of finding the One True God. She mentioned about her decision to be water baptised which literally spell Death in the strong Muslim country Pakistan, and how the same decision to proclaim Christ publicly have lead to the horrendous death of people she knew.

"Would you died for Jesus?" For Bilquis and many other brothers and sisters in Christ in other parts of the world, this is more than a question....This is a very real decision they would have to make every single day they wake up.

And as i was awed by the determinations and faith of these people, i am reminded by another man in history who also had died for God- Jesus. In fact, the death of Jesus make possible the Bible i read every single day. The Bible is more than print on paper, it is precious. In fact, more precious than what i realized before.

We all need to realize what a great privilege it is to be able to live for Him.


Sunday, March 22, 2009


Disney Faeries by ~cippow25

I like Disney cartoon! hahaha...cuz i am doing this thing to prepare for the announcement video for the Uni-YA camp, so, i get to revisit a lot of my childhood memories of Disney cartoon...they are all so nice eh~~

Yang Chao and I have a discussion of the definition of "childish" and "childlike"...And mind you, this is definately not childish ok? haha...

I have just decided i'll dedicate a lot of my free time from now on to watch the classic Disney cartoon, like Beauty and the Beast [a.k.a. My Fav!] and Hunchback of The Notre Dame, and The Little Mermaid....oh well...just all these nice movies lor....hahaha
A Disney Patchwork by

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Today is a significant day-
Today i have my first new caregroup.
Today is my 7th month of this walk with God.
Today i am staying over at Jing ying's house.

Now i am sitting in Miss Teng Jing Ying's room...typing away as i wait for her to finish showering =p

Today sounds so special hor?...
Actually everyday is special, every single time i open my eyes, it signify another new day ahead of me, good or bad, i don't know, but one thing for sure, another new day signify another day with God, another day to know more about God, another opportunity for me to know and love people around me. It also means another day to eat! haha, ok, it's all no link, but it all fits into my schedule for one new day, for God calls us to do all these and more.

Thx for people and today's cg, it helps me a lot to step out of my emo mode.

Gonna fix my eyes upon Jesus ^^

Good night! Tomorrow shall be another glorious day for God! WooHoo!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Guess i just wanna say thx..

Thx to everyone who is, or had been in my life...Yah, these few days in the emo mode again..trying to get out of it....

Thx for saying I am definitely more than a smiley face for God.

Need a change of perspective?

I have no idea how to organize my thoughts now...maybe a shower will help? i go to shower....

Sunday, March 15, 2009


"Hi, are you a student going into uni this year?" These were the words i kept repeating for the past two days. As the two-days Open House survey ended, i am very excited by the events coming up and how the story of beautiful salvation will be for new people at the end of this whole matric period.

As i am typing away, sending e-mails to people with names and faces i cannot remember yet, i pray to God that someday, somehow, these will be the names in the list of heaven, pray that one day, they will be more than just a random name =)

As we're doing all these lately, people asked me how have i came to Singapore alone last year, and as the story was told, i often hear remarks such as"waoh, God really wants you to be here." [ if u dunno the story and would like to know more, please contact eva at her private phone line.] This simple sentence hit close to my heart yesterday during service, while i was standing there with fellow loved ones, something inside of me stirs: God really wants me to be here. Here standing, here singing, here just in His presence.

Thank God for the amazing story of beautiful salvation that is still in progress. One day, my loved ones who were not believers will also come to see this, that God really wants me to come to Singapore, so that they too, will come to Him. By faith, i know that this day will come.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


An indonesian student commited suicide after stabbing his professor this monday morning. The news shocked the whole school and the whole Singapore within hours. The first few hours, people were like, asking question of what happened and why and who. But the next day, people all around started to crack jokes out of this incident, and i am one of them.

i felt bad afterward to make a joke out of such a tragic incident. The value of life is burried under achievements and depressions, and jokes. Conversations also include sharing with each other what we were doing during the time he died, some were sleeping, some were eating, others, such as myself is sitting in a classroom and wondering when the boring lesson will finally end, it makes me appreciate every single moment i have with my friends even more, let's leave no regret before it's too late...How easy it is for someone to decide to end his life just like that, life is precious, and should never be taken so lightly.

Choosing to face the reality and solving it requires much more wisdom and courage than choosing to end and avoid it.