Wednesday, November 19, 2008


It's exam period, yet, i am so happy n joyful to have to study till late night every single day, cause this is a period where i see God works miracles in so many people's life around me, and in my life also..

Actually i almost can't sit for my exam cause i forgot to pay for my tuition fee, it was only last minute then i realize that i have to pay the tuition fee, i m really so lost, i told my mum, and she said it's very hard to come up with a lup sum of cash in such short heart filled with dread, there's only that much i can do with my mere human strength, thus , i prayed to God bout it, really really prayed with all my heart for days...Miraculously, God answer my prayer so faithfully!!! My mum called and told me the money is in my account already!!!!!

[i think God really want me to take this exam, that's why i constantly remind myself i m studying for Him ^^]

I really feel God so tangibly evey single day throughout this exam period, for every paper, i'll pray to God first before i start writing, and i just feel like God is taking the exam with me, so, even though some of the paper i didn't manage to do that good, yet i still thank God for being there with me and telling me everything's gonna be okay, cause everything under and beyond the sun is under His control.

I really see God's almighty hand working in the life of my brothers n sisters also, giving them peace and revealation, drawing them closer to Him than before..My soul rejoice when i see those surrounding me relying on God's strength for everything, i mean, more than some normally do when times are good and exam is not around...

Thank God for the testimonial of all of them..I see MIRACLES happening in their life, i m just so amazed by God's power, how He can so Unfailingly cover each and everyone of us with His Love...

According to, Miracle is--- effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.
2.such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of God.
3.a wonder; marvel.
4.a wonderful or surpassing example of some quality: a miracle of modern acoustics.

Isn't it amazing how people recognize that work of Miracles can only come from God?
Yup yup, miracles will never come by mere human strength~~

So, What event can be considered as MIRACLE??

Actually, just living and breathing with god by my side is a huge miracle already..
Miracles have to be recognized in order for them to be a miracle.

A guy can be cured from cancer after his familiy prayed for him, and said that it doesn't come from God at all...

Another guy can be healed from a minor fever after his family prayed for him, and thank God with all his heart.

So...Open the eyes of our heart to God's everyday miracle..
N you will find this world an amazing place filled with God's wonder.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Actually for the past few weeks, i've been thinking bout how i can serve the Lord more with my limited knowledge and how to use my Spiritual gifts to their full extent~~

I personally think i have quite a cute and abstract's not here, it's not there..For example, gift of teaching, u just go of healing, u just go seem so straight forward..Compared to mine, it's the gift of faith, don't get me wrong, i treasure this gift that God has entrusted me's just that, last time, i'm a bit confused how i can use i to the full extent for the kingdom of Giod.


I also came with the realization that i have been using "spiritually young" as an excuse of preventing myself to serve more...and i start to really sat down to think bout this qustion...

But I really thank God for revealing to me how i can serve Him and His People more..And the answer that come is so easy that i laughed at myself, the answer has been right in front of my face the whole time--the most thing i can do is be a blessing to all those around me...Literally all.

And i consider myself so blessed that i can be of any small help for anyone.I mean, God gives me life, then he gives me the opportunity for eternal happiness, and now he chooses to bless me so more... Waoh! How awesome can God be??

God's Love compelled me to Love others

God's Mercy compelled me to forgive

God's Grace compelled me to serve

Thank God for all of these..

My soul n spirit rejoice in it~

"if God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

"in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39

Sunday, November 2, 2008


The internet is penetrating billions of life every single day. And it is no wonder that as Christian we will be hammered by billions and billions of skeptical non-believers out there [even fellow believers occasionally]...

I hold no grudge against people who lives in darkness and are just simply blind to the Truth. What hurt my heart the most is to see these people quoting the bible and claiming that they already know all there is to know and strongly believe that God is just a fictional character.

As a Christian, i am advised by some loving brothers and sisters to cut myself from all these pollution and to stand firm in my faith. And i thank them for their love and concerns. i did tried doing that for a period of time.

My personal thought is that, instead of ignoring those anguish voice out there, i want to try to respond to them, it comfort my heart to see that there are fellow believers out there doing the same thing, i think that people don't want another lecture on how wrong and blinded they are, cause they live in their "believed truth", consumed by the wordly value, for they are of this world, not of the Light. So it is understandable for them to feel how they feel.

I strongly believe this--God has made a cross-shape hollow in everyone's heart, and we can only be complate if we live in His Love. As Children of Light, we are called to stand firm in one body. We rejoice because we have receive salvation, and we shine..etc..these we all know..YET, to actually LIVE it OUT is not just talking bout it n praying bout it then do NOTHING bout it..

How can I LOVE and SHINE for others if i only stayed in my own comfort zone and hope that by God's perfect planning i can be a blessing somehow??? We all have been taught all sorts of things we can do to serve Him and move His Kingdom forward. All these are not just theories, in order to live it out, we must first be courageous and actually GET UP and GO OUT~

The Lord has done so much, He planned, then come to you, show you His love, gave you all sorts of gifts and blessing, and sustain your everyday walk and trials....and the list goes on and on...When i think of these, i feel so ashamed of myself, He already done so much for me, yet i'm still struggling to be the person He wants me to be, and sometimes even placed my selfish desire above what the Holy Spirit wants me to do.

So, GO OUT, SHINE, SHARE, LIVE, SERVE~~Don't just talk bout WHAT we HOPE we want to do~