This morning I was strolling through Facebook randomly and chanced upon IHOP ministry's live stream of their yearly conference. You can watch the recording of all the sessions here:
Allen Hood shared so passionately on a simple yet profound topic- Love.
It was a session jam-packed with soul-gripping truths. He asked a question: do you remember when you encountered God for the very first time? Do you remember your passion and amazement for every little thing when you first fall in love with Him?
I remembered. It was only 8 years ago when I first encountered Jesus. Though I have been going to church on and off growing up, but every worship lyric, every verse, every sermon feels magical, it's like I am finally seeing the world for the first time. My heart leapt with joy every time a verse makes sense to me and I will share them passionately with my small group. I have a journal that I bring everywhere- I will write down whole passages from the Bible because they are all so dear to me, I write down the full lyrics of all the worship songs I love ( they were At The Cross and King of Majesty among others), in between sermon notes I will jot down what I experience during worship time.
How did you first love feel and look like? :)
May 2017 be a year of passionate love.