Personally, i think LOVE is an overused topic already.People talks about it constantly, all the songs sing about it, korean drama, romance movie...We are living in a world literally drowned by this word--Love.
Yet, why is it still so difficult for so many people to actually LOVE?? I read somewhere that Human by default tend to love ourselves more than anything else in life.This is precisely the reason for why relationship melt down and marriage failed.
People come up with big theories to teaches others how to communicate, how to formulate a successful relationship, how to determine who's suitable for who....the list goes on and, if all these things work, and if human's heart is as easy as math formula, then we should all be living in fairy tale land by now right?? and no heart would be broken any more right??
Yet, why are there still so many lost souls in this world?? Where does that lead us then??
Lincoln once said, the easiest way to handle his enemies is to figure out a way to them into friends.
So much wisdom in this simple statement. The easiest way to Love is simply to Love other as how you will Love yourself. Love not only the lovable, but love also your enemies, and soon you will see that there won't be any enemy left for you. And This is how True Love should come about. Isn't it funny when u say you are a loving mother when you are holding a grudge with the rest of the people around u??
Think of Adolf Hitler, how different would he be if only he is treated with love by those around him? How different will our world also if people are less selfish??
People find it easier to retreat to their own world inside their own small small mind where they can be safe. Thus filling themselves with hatred and anger. Yet, where does that lead a person to??? Only one word, Destruction. In everything, Love never fails.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. The world can do better with one more loving soul rather than a sinful one. Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another.
When is the last time you love someone more than yourself?